A Cracked Molar. Ouch!
Dental pain from a crack in a tooth can be frustratingly hard to diagnose. In this instance, tooth #15 was cracked and the patient was suffering with a great deal of pain. Using a highly intense blue light it was possible to visualize a hairline crack in this patient’s second molar. (#15) the crack had extend into the dental pulp causing inflammation and necrosis.

Preoperative Sagital view from the CBCT

Horizontal slice showing the three roots and 4 canals

CBCT shows complex anatomy in mesiobuccal root and sound alveolar bone.

Post Operative Radiograph. Root canal and restoration complete. The tooth is ready for a crown.
Using The Gentlewave Procedure, it was possible to completely clean the complex root canal system in just one appointment. The highly irregular features shown in the palatal and mesiobuccal roots were rendered free of all bacteria, tissue and biofilm in minutes. Wow!
Root canal treatment using The Gentlewave Procedure saved this tooth from extraction and the patient’s ordeal of pain for days on end is over.
#Endodontists #Gentlewave #SingleVisitEndodontics #Crackedtooth #Toothache